言語処理100本ノックを Gauche でやってみる(1)
こんなの見つけましたのでGaucheでやってみようかと思いました www.cl.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp
第一章 4番までなんとかやってみました。 超時間かかっちゃった・・・
以下コード。 汚いなぁ orz
#!/usr/bin/env gosh (use srfi-1) (use srfi-13) (use gauche.sequence) (use gauche.collection) (use text.tree) (define (nlp100-sample) "hello") (define (nlp100-00) (list->string (reverse (string->list "stressed")))) (define (nlp100-01) (define (getchar s i) (subseq s (- i 1) i)) (define (getstr str lst) (map (lambda (n) (getchar str n)) lst)) (tree->string (getstr "パタトクカシーー" '#(1 3 5 7)))) (define (nlp100-02) (define (getchar s i) (subseq s (- i 1) i)) (define (getstr str1 str2) (cond ((null? str1) '()) (else (cons (cons (car str1) (car str2)) (getstr (cdr str1) (cdr str2)))))) (tree->string (getstr (string->list "パトカー") (string->list "タクシー")))) (define (nlp100-03) (define (getchar lst) (cond ((null? lst) '()) (else (cons (string-length (string-filter char-alphabetic? (car lst))) (getchar (cdr lst)))))) (tree->string (getchar (string-split "Now I need a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics." " ")))) (define (nlp100-04) (define (mkalist lst) (cond ((null? lst) '()) ((assoc (subseq (car lst) 0 1) (mkalist (cdr lst))) (acons (subseq (car lst) 0 2) (car lst) (mkalist (cdr lst)))) (else (acons (subseq (car lst) 0 1) (car lst) (mkalist (cdr lst)))))) (mkalist (string-split "Hi He Lied Because Boron Could Not Oxidize Fluorine. New Nations Might Also Sign Peace Security Clause. Arthur King Can." " ") ))
#!/usr/bin/env gosh (use gauche.test) (test-start "ch01-01") (load "./main.gosh") (test-section "01") (test "nlp100-sample" "hello" nlp100-sample) (test "nlp100-00" "desserts" nlp100-00) (test "nlp100-01" "パトカー" nlp100-01) (test "nlp100-02" "パタトクカシーー" nlp100-02) (test "nlp100-03" "314159265358979" nlp100-03) (test "nlp100-04" '(("Hi" . "Hi") ("H" . "He") ("L" . "Lied") ("Be" . "Because") ("B" . "Boron") ("Co" . "Could") ("No" . "Not") ("O" . "Oxidize") ("F" . "Fluorine.") ("Ne" . "New") ("N" . "Nations") ("M" . "Might") ("Al" . "Also") ("Si" . "Sign") ("P" . "Peace") ("S" . "Security") ("Cl" . "Clause.") ("A" . "Arthur") ("K" . "King") ("C" . "Can.")) nlp100-04)
~/work/repos/nlp100-gosh/ch01$ ./test.gosh Testing ch01-01 ... <01>--------------------------------------------------------------------------- test nlp100-sample, expects "hello" ==> ok test nlp100-00, expects "desserts" ==> ok test nlp100-01, expects "パトカー" ==> ok test nlp100-02, expects "パタトクカシーー" ==> ok test nlp100-03, expects "314159265358979" ==> ok test nlp100-04, expects (("Hi" . "Hi") ("H" . "He") ("L" . "Lied") ("Be" . "Because") ("B" . "Boron") ("Co" . "Could") ("No" . "Not") ("O" . "Oxidize") ("F" . "Fluorine.") ("Ne" . "New") ("N" . "Nations") ("M" . "Might") ("Al" . "Also") ("Si" . "Sign") ("P" . "Peace") ("S" . "Security") ("Cl" . "Clause.") ("A" . "Arthur") ("K" . "King") ("C" . "Can.")) ==> ok